# Agora Editor - To contribute to the [[Agora]], you need to write down notes or posts in one of the [[supported formats]] and upload your notes to a ***git repository*** of your choice. These steps are expanded below. - Get a [[github]] account if you don't have a git host already: . - Install [[git]] if needed: . It should be installed by default in [[linux]], comes bundled with [[mac os]]. - See [[agora signup]] for more details on the process. - In a nutshell: you need to host your notes (more generally, [[resources]], defaulting to [[markdown]] plus [[wikilinks]]), somewhere online. And then let the [[agora]] know about it. - The Agora doesn't host your data, but rather pulls it from a location *you* control and renders it for you and other users; in the process interlinking your data with that of other users. - Most users currently host [[git]] repositories on https://github.com or https://gitlab.com. - Note using the default format (Markdown) lets you also easily publish your [[blog]] or [[digital garden]] independently online with tools such as [[jekyll]], [[gatsby]] or [[nikola]]. - As of [[2021-05-07]], the recommended Agora editor is: - [[foam]], if you want open source hosted locally. - [[foam]] is a [[vscode]] [[extension]]. - [[foam]] is less straightforward to set up than the next options. - [[logseq]], if you want open source, value the convenience of a hosted setup, *and* use [[chrome]] or a [[chromium based browser]] (any browser but [[firefox]], essentially). - [[obsidian]] if you don't mind using closed software from a small ethical company, in particular a small one with a vibrant open source extension community. - You need at least also the [[obsidian git]] plugin. See [[obsidian plugins]] for more. - [[install obsidian]] by visiting https://obsidian.md and then follow [[vault backup]] to set up backup to [[git]]: https://docs.github.com/en/github/importing-your-projects-to-github/adding-an-existing-project-to-github-using-the-command-line. - Then follow the procedure below to add your vault or [[digital garden]] to the [[agora]]. - You can also use: - [[dendron]], which should be a drop-in [[foam]] replacement in [[vscode]]. - [[roam]] plus [[roam2agora]] - [[org mode]] - (In essence, all you really need to use the [[Agora]] is the capability to produce text in some format and make it publicly available somewhere. Plain text would suffice.) - After getting yourself a [[repository]], you need to let an [[agora]] know about it so it can be pulled and integrated. - Please send a [[pr]] adding your garden to [[gardens yaml]], accepting the agora's [[contract]] and indicating your desired username; or reach out to signup@anagora.org, [[flancian]] or [[vera]] with information about your use case. We'll do our best to make it work! We want the [[agora]] to be maximally inclusive. - All [[agora]] users must agree to its [[contract]] as defined by the system account. - The contracts of other users can optionally be a [[endorsed]]. - My proposal to you now is that we use the capability of sharing and discovering context-relevant media at effectively zero cost for the greater good: let's agree on a protocol to escape [[vendor lock-in]] and cooperate optimally on projects of [[public utility]]. - [[agora protocol]]